Thursday, October 12, 2006

well, i've seen my grades already and all i can say is "what?!" i don't know how to feel coz i really didn't expect such remarks. i don't wanna tell you what my grades are but i wanna tell you that i'm happy and satisified with what i've got. i already sent to my dad my grades and hopefully, he would buy me a new cellfone na. haha =D i'm just kidding. of course, enrollment first before everything. i guess, the tuition fee will surely increase. = i asked my blockmates about their grades and i'm really happy that like me they got passing remarks. yey!! it is time for us to move up to the next level. i can't believe, actually. =D i know that i'm too young to think that i will be graduating in two years [i really hope] but time passes by so quickly that i don't seem to notice that i'm already Second Year College. i'm still reminiscin' my High School Graduation memories. i should make every days of my college life meaningful and memorable. but right now, i should live my present. i shouldn't be thinking of the future yet but i hope to see myself a successful woman soon. i want to reach my goals, my plans for my family. i want to give them the life they want and deserve and so, i'm pushing myself to study hard. well, i'm getting so emotional huh?! i should cheer up. hehe =D

i would like to give my cousin Kuya Ojie a big hand for passing Logic Formulation [at last]. haha =D well, good for him. after taking it for the second time, finally he passed. i'm so happy for him. i just wish all of us the Best of Luck for the next semester. we can do this. by the way, lot of us are rooting for Team Sports over Advanced Bowling.