Sunday, December 16, 2007

To love somebody is so risky and indeed very tiring. Sometimes, it seems you've already done everything to the person but then, your existence remains unseen.

Last night, I had one of the best nights in my teenage life. We had an IT Knights Out held at Temple Bar in Greenbelt 2. Well, it was a requirement. I came there not because it is required to but because I really want to. That was my first time to enter a bar, actually.

I went to the place with my two handsome cousins using Kuya Wowie's car. We fetched his friends and then we went to Greenbelt. We walked for a little while until we reached Temple Bar. It was just a small bar but it looks nice. I went upstairs since my friends were already there at the VIP room. There was a program going on hosted by two of the LITS officers. Good thing, I came in late because during the first part, they got bored because of the weird and corny games.

We had two stubs for our drinks. They took one glass of Margarita for me. That was my first time again to drink that kind of liquor. I was advised to drink vodka but I opted for a Margarita. The rest of the girls took the same drink. They didn't like it but me, I liked it. haha :P When I finished drinking, I suddenly felt dizzy. haha :p Good thing, they were there to talk to me non-stop.

After a while, we all decided to go down and dance. I didn't get tipsy nor hyper. We danced until we dropped. It was so enjoying. I had lots of fun. My friends were there though we were not complete. It was such a nice experience. I'm looking forward to another one. Our batch was the naughtiest of all. haha :P We were so noisy and we just enjoyed every beat of the music being played. The boys were okay, as well. They also danced. They were not shy dancing in the dance floor.

It was one of the best experiences I had in my life. I'm loving my college life and I don't want to put an end to it. haha :p Oh, by the way, he was there and I was surprised to see him. He came late, as well. He was very vocal that he will not come yet he was there. Take note, his friends were absent, he was the only one in their group who was present. He enjoyed the night away as much as we enjoyed it. We really had a blast. My guy friends didn't get tipsy but girls did.

Here are some pics. Guess who among them is him. haha ;P More pics in my Multiply.

Greetings Galore!
Dec. 14 - Happy Birthday Serj
Dec. 14 - Happy 29th Monthsary Thine Iced
Dec. 16 - Happy Birthday Arjoe