Monday, June 25, 2007

I hate love for one simple reason, the more you deny it, the more it makes you fall.

We had some activity during the AppDev class and I have some sort of bonding with Niko since we are seatmates in that subject and I have no one to talk except for him. The SQA presentation is finally over. I think, my groupmates did a very good job and so did I. After that, we had a short weird quiz. I don't know why the questions were like that but it was no big deal for me. Our professor in my Networking class was absent for some important and urgent matters and so, we just signed the attendance. Lastly, we had some discussions during our DataComm class but I was really sleepy that time. Good thing, I still learned from it.

Before going home, my mom and I went to Tutuban to get the eyeglass that I will be temporary wearing. Maybe, for a change, I might wear eyeglasses. New Image, I guess. hehe =] Some sort of nerdy slash geeky image. haha :D Kidding aside, I will be wearing that for about a month because I still want to wear contact lenses over it. I am excited to see my friends' reactions about this. I'm expecting that they will not like it. Perhaps, they might say that it doesn't suits me well. I guess, I really need to accustom myself in wearing this gear because it is needed to.

I think I have to end this up. I still need to read a long short story. haha =] confusing, ayt? Well, I will be reading a short story which is very long. It is entitled Dead Stars.